(click to enlarge)
Chapter 7 of
Mastering Muscles & Movement contains Summary Tables that indicate the muscles that create each action at each joint of the body. The Summary Tables provide a quick-lookup when the reader wants to know, for example, "all the synergists" for a given action.
The links listed below will open a new browser tab to display the PDF file. You can then print the PDF and write on the worksheet.
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Action Tables - Practice Synergists and Antagonists
The links below provide "emptied out" copies of all the
Action Tables from Chapter 7. You can fill in these tables with action symbols (

UL, BL) to study synergists and antagonists, and then check your answers by comparing to the tables in your MMM textbook, pages 204-209. Also, please see page 62 in your textbook for a description of the symbols used in the
Synergist & Antagonist tables ("B" tables).
Action Tables - Upper Extremity (PDF 293KB)Action Tables - Axial Skeleton (PDF 255KB)Action Tables - Lower Extremity (PDF 242KB)