This page has tutorial presentations and PDF files to provide a more in-depth look at the MMM textbook. Included are excerpts from Mastering Muscles & Movement – A Brain-Friendly System for Learning Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Basic Kinesiology, as well as other support files. Note that more downloads (individual book pages) are available on the "Gallery of Illustrations" page elsewhere on this website.
Tutorials Using the Brain-Friendly System (slide show) - This interactive presentation goes through the information in Chapter 3 of the book, which describes the organization and style of the main muscle chapters (Chapter 4 - 6). Note that a PDF of Chapter 3 from the book is available below in the "Excerpts" section of this page.
Slide Show: Chapter 3 - Using the Brain-Friendly System
Handout to go with the slide show:
Chap3 Sample Book Pages (PDF 12.05MB)
Excerpts from the Book Front matter from the book: Includes copyright info, reviews, preface, table of contents, and notes about the author and the development of the "brain-friendly" approach.
Download Front Matter (PDF 2.72MB)
Chapter 3 - Using the Brain-Friendly System to Optimize Your Learning provides a complete orientation to the organization and style of the main muscle chapters in the book (Chapter 4 - 6). After reading this chapter, the learner will be ready to fully utilize the brain-friendly features of the material. Chapter 3 also describes the types of information that must be learned, how that knowledge will be used in practice, and gives some general observations that help reduce the amount of rote memorization that may be required.
Download Chapter 3 (PDF 6.86MB)
Chapter 6 - Muscles That Move the Lower Extremity: This excerpt contains 16 pages from Chaper 6 for a full-size example of the layout of the muscle chapters.
Download Chapter 6 (excerpt) (PDF 10.48MB)