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Chapter 2 of Mastering Muscles & Movement contains an atlas of the skeletal system, individual bones, and bony landmarks. The worksheets on this page provide various ways to visualize and learn the names of those skeletal structures.
Each of the links listed below will open a new browser tab to display a PDF file. You may then print the PDF and write on the worksheet.
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Skeletons - General Purpose
These are full-page skeleton pictures - upper body and lower body - to draw and write on while you are studying muscles. Each page has an anterior, posterior and lateral view of the body region. You can use them to practice drawing origins, insertions, muscle pictures, and other structures. These worksheets are also supplied on pages 222-223 in your MMM textbook, and page 214 describes how to make them reusable to save paper.
General Purpose Skeletons - Upper Body (PDF 438KB)General Purpose Skeletons - Lower Body (PDF 394KB)
Bony Landmarks - Bi-Directional Practice Pages
The Bony Landmark Practice Pages listed below include
dual sheets for each body structure -- one for practicing bony landmarks from a
verbal direction, and one for practicing from a
visual direction. After you fill out a worksheet, you can check your work by finding the same diagram in Chapter 2 of your MMM textbook.
Bones and Bony Landmarks - Upper Extremity (PDF 434KB)Bones and Bony Landmarks - Axial Skeleton (PDF 493KB)Bones and Bony Landmarks - Lower Extremity (PDF 341KB)
Skeletons - Practice Naming Bones and Joints
The Skeleton pages listed below provide practice for naming the bones and joints of the body.
Skeletons - Name the Bones (PDF 1.29MB)Skeletons - Name the Joints (PDF 522KB)Skeletons - Compare Bone Names with Joint Names (PDF 457KB)